Exhibit A Written and directed by Susan Simpson Created in collaboration with Monica Oller, Katie Shook and Tom Pejic Santa Barbara Forum for Contemporary Art February 4, 2010 Rio Hondo College, Whittier, CA March 10, 2010 Links Hall, Banners and Cranks Festival, Chicago, IL May 7-9, 2010 (excerpt) The Manual Archives, June 5-7, 2009
Exhibit A explores the overlapping worlds of science fiction fandom and nascent gay organizing in 1950's Los Angeles. touching on the utopian visions and language that fueled both sub-cultures. It draws its inspiration from the collections of Jim Kepner, a man who was deeply immersed in both worlds. Exhibit A is a multimedia piece. Through the use of spy cams, dioramas and primitive green screen technology, actors enter miniature worlds and interact with their inhabitants.