June 30 - July 19, 2019
With the notes of far-away song floating from the other shore
A double window installation
With the notes of far-away song floating from the other shore
A double window installation: June 30 - July 19, 2019
The installation continues inside with an ongoing viewing of Xie's film
The Boat Has Sailed, Hasn’t It?
Sichong Xie will be present during these open hours.
Automata Windows presents Sichong Xie's double window installation With the notes of far-away song floating from the other shore. Xie describes the project as " a many layered work which, through singing, filmed image and broken lyrics from three generations’ childhood memory, describes the relationship between myself, who had been based in LA, and my grandmother and my mother, who still lived in Xi’an, China. The videos were majorly shot in three locations in Southern California while my grandmother and my mother singing at the same time of different songs from their own childhood memory. This project conveys the distance physical, emotional and cultural in between a grandmother, her daughter, and her adult granddaughter now living aboard. The twinned experiences of, on the one hand, the luxury of freedom of speech and, on the other, the inevitability of homesickness, are the contradictory fates of the departure from home. But where is home, and what defines it? Familiar melody, smell, or family?"
Sichong Xie seeks to be a cultural organizer who utilizes body-based sculptural forms (masks / costumes / objects) transforming discarded materials and disregarded spaces by using the tools of humor and absurdity. By placing traditional sculptural forms within new sites, materials, and social constructs, she investigates these forms and movements within global communities to re-consider and re-envision shared spaces and performative practices.
In the summer of 2016 and 2017, she was a fellowship artist in the Watermill Center for Performance in Long Island, NY. In July 2017, she was an resident artist at the Hauser & Wirth Somerset, U.K. During the three-week intensive workshops and practices, she collaborated with two other dancers, creating a piece called “Walking With The Disappeared”, which is a three hour endurance performance integrated with dance, experimental theatre and installations.
Her practice deals with issues of identity, politics, cross-culturalism, and the surreal characteristics of her body in the ever-changing environment. Her current work explores Chinese culture versus American culture, her female gender versus the patriarchy as it is reflected in municipal sculptures in China, and Chinese Communist politics versus the “only one child” generations. Sichong was born in Xi'An, China; she currently works and lives in Los Angeles.
504 Chung King Court
Los Angeles, CA 90012