Green Boxes with Friends: A Basic 5 Hour Zoom Call Where Everyone Has the Same Green Background
Tim Tsang
Artist in Residence
January 27, 2021 12-5pm PST
Hello Friends,
I'm thankful to be Resident Artist at Automata LosAngeles (Jan22-Feb11), and will be hosting a live "5 hour Zoom call" tomorrow at 12-5pm PST. The official title is "GREEN BOXES WITH FRIENDS: A BASIC 5 HOUR ZOOM CALL WHERE EVERYONE HAS THE SAME GREEN BACKGROUND"
This will be
a) livestreamed on this Automata FB event page here:
b) open for anyone to join on Zoom here (dm me for passcode):
*If joining on Zoom, please download this green picture to use as your Zoom Background:
**My motivation for doing this event is to gather with friends and future friends in a playful and serious manner, attempting to consistently play a bunch of #infinitegames for 5 hours. I really should have titled it "Infinite Games for 5 hours", but maybe it's too late and we're more familiar with Zoom calls anyway...Should be fun!
Totally not mandatory but if you’re curious, “infinite games” is a loose reference to the book "Finite and Infinite Games" by James P. Carse. Full PDF —>
I’ll talk about rules of the “game(s)” as we all come online tomorrow See you then!
Tim Tsang is a trans-disciplinary artist engaged in infinite play as an accumulative performance strategy. Tsang scripts friendly spaces—theoretical, physical—that invite perplexity and warmth, and serve as repositories for critical thinking, contemplation and escapism in the contexts of exhibitions, academic conferences, events, games and concerts. Often through over-identification and over-exposure toward the social, these spaces activate poetic explorations, re-framings, reflections and expansions of interactive creative processes.
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