Lost and Found
Hsuan-Kuang Hsieh
December 19, 2022 - January 2, 2023

Hsuan-Kuang Hsieh is a Taiwanese multimedia artist and filmmaker who currently lives and works in Los Angeles. Her practices include experimental film, projection art, photography and video installation. While rediscovering her roots in Taiwanese heritage and history, Hsieh’s work often explores the multicultural identity of the Asian diaspora, with particular interests in land as a source of identity, reminiscence objects and physical memory. 

Lost and Found

"With an unexpected incident, my family reclaimed our childhood home in 2019.

Lost and Found is a response to the experience of returning to my childhood home for the first time after 22 years. Instead of “walking down memory lane”, I had a relatively detached and dull experience touring the home. "

Lost and Found investigates where childhood memories reside from a spatial perspective: an architectural space of a childhood home, the physical space of a body and the imaginary space in game play and stories. 

Projection, childhood photographs, architectural ground plan, and blocks were used to explore the idea.

Website :: hsuankuang.com
Instagram :: @isyet.image